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Security Risk Assessments

Find your security vulnerabilities

before malicious hackers do.

Identify Web App Vulnerabilities and Exposures

Web application vulnerability scanning provides companies with the capability to discover vulnerabilities within their applications.

All of our web application vulnerability scans go beyond international standards – such as NIST – and your test will come with a detailed final report.

Your detailed final report will include an executive summary, a listing of risk ratings, remediation recommendations, and more.  A letter of attestation can be provided upon your request.

Throughout the web application vulnerability scanning process, automated testing will be used to identify all application vulnerabilities.

The percentages of data breaches and their industries.

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(2020 Data Breach Investigations Report)

an affordable

Security Audit

The most important part of security program is the security review & gap analysis. It is the glue that ties the entire security solution together.

With security audits, there must be a process for assessing a company’s risk profile. In a security risk assessment, we review your key assets, current security strategy, controls, IT infrastructure, and prioritize your top vulnerabilities, risks and recommended security control solutions.

Following, here at MainNerve we provide a final report for the purpose of defining future security strategies, determining budgets, and implementing security risk mitigation solutions.

Different Types of Security Controls
Administrative Safeguards

This includes policies and procedures revolving around the administrative side of protecting networks and resources. These may include information about termination procedures and requirements, when training is conducted, sanction policies, etc.

Physical Safeguards

Assess the policies and procedures used to protect the physical networks and resources. These safeguards might include locks on doors to server rooms, how access to said server rooms is granted, and who has the authority to grant access.

Technical Safeguards

Determine how well networks and resources are protected technically. This includes procedures on granting access to pertinent data, encryption, anti-virus and anti-malware software, as well as information gleaned during the vulnerability scan and penetration test.

Specifics of a

Security Risk Assessment

As threats to computer systems grow more complex and sophisticated, risk assessments are an important tool for organizations to rely on as part of a comprehensive risk management program. This security risk assessment will help to:

  • Determine the most appropriate risk responses to ongoing cyber-attacks.
  • Guide investment strategies and decisions for the most effective cyber defenses to help protect your organizational operations, organizational assets, and employees.
  • Maintain ongoing situational awareness of the security state of your organization’s information systems and the environments in which those systems operate.
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The MainNerve

Our Process

The risk assessment methodology and approach will be conducted using the guidelines in NIST SP 800-30, “Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems.” The assessment is broad in scope and evaluates security vulnerabilities affecting confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

MainNerve will interview key personnel identified by the customer either by questionnaire or phone, or a hybrid of the two. During this process, MainNerve will provide guidance as necessary in answering the risk assessment questions.

Document reviews will provide the MainNerve risk assessment team with the basis on which to evaluate compliance with policies and procedures in order to ultimately identify potential shortfalls in the administrative, technical, and/or physical security posture.

At the end of the risk assessment, MainNerve will provide the final results that include risk ratings findings, as well as remediation recommendations. The final report will contain an executive summary in addition to the specific findings.

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Security Risk Assessments

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As companies tackle the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, they regularly budget for penetration tests to protect their digital assets. But many are left scratching their heads when they see the cost for these tests creeping up each year, even when it seems like the scope…
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You’re ready to schedule your penetration test, but aren’t sure when that should be. Should it be at the beginning of the year or the end of the year? Are there industry standards that apply to scheduling your test? In this video, we take a…

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